The Firm AOS Abogados, Asesores Tributarios y Auditores
provides professional business services.
AOS Abogados, Asesores Tributarios y Auditores es una firma de
servicios profesionales vinculada al mundo de la empresa.
We have extensive experience in rendering services with our customers as our top priority, seeking to reduce any uncertainty that may concern them. Our international vocation leads us to accompany our clients in their outreach process, supporting them in any matter beyond our borders. We have thud built an international network with other professional service firms.
“The man who is aware of his own victories does not envy other’s”
Our legal, tax and auditing professional history dates back to our broad experience in one of the Big Four.
Partnership agreements
We also provide advice for business international growth, as we have vast experience in settling issues abroad, in close contact with law firms in different countries, and providing support for the incorporation of companies or branches in various countries around the world.
We go hand in hand with our clients to offer our advice to them in the acquisition and sale of companies. We participate in the negotiation and we conduct the execution works until the process is completed.
Despachos internacionales
AOS Abogados, Asesores Tributarios y Auditores has partnerships with international firms
to take care of our international clients.
Buenos Aires
Convenios de colaboración
AOS Abogados, Asesores Tributarios y Auditores has subscribed the following partnership agreements mainly with academic institutions for internship programs, thus promoting the professional activities of our firm in such environments:
Universidad de Vigo
Academic Cooperation Agreement
• Master’s Degree in Finance
Academic Cooperation Agreement
• School of Economic
• School of Business Science
• School of Legal and Labour Science
• Double Degree in Business and Law
Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA)
• Academic Cooperation Agreement
Centro de Iniciativas Profesionales (CIP)
• Academic Cooperation Agreement
Honorable Bar Association of Vigo
• Cooperation Agreement